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Trade-ins belong meanwhile to the everyday life in the car trade. What is meant by trade-ins? In a trade-in, the value...

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Trade-ins belong meanwhile to the everyday life in the car trade. What is meant by trade-ins? With a trade-in, the value of the old vehicle is offset against the purchase price of a new vehicle. This offers advantages and disadvantages for the buyer as well as salesman. 

The buyer gets rid of the used car and can acquire a new vehicle at the reduced price. For the seller, the advantage is that the buyer is more likely to be persuaded to buy a new vehicle, through the promise of a discount. Additionally, if the seller makes a good deal yet another profit can be made with the trade-in. But this is also where the big disadvantage for the seller in trade-ins comes into play. If the used vehicles don't find any takers, these vehicles can quickly become long-term sellers. To prevent this risk, dealers can turn to digital platforms for dealer vehicles. With CarOnSale, car dealerships can offer their trade-ins to many interested dealers and thus make a profit from the trade-ins quickly and easily. Our unique remarketing technology helps in this endeavor.

Christoph Adunka
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