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Truckstore is a brand of Daimler AG founded in 2001. The Truckstore brand offers used commercial vehicles and a wide service portfolio. Services include...

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Truckstore is a brand of Daimler AG founded in 2001. The Truckstore brand offers used commercial vehicles and a broad service portfolio. Services include financing, leasing, rental, buyback and export support. Truckstore was created because Daimler AG was faced with the problem that, due to increased leasing volumes, more and more commercial vehicles were being returned after a short period of time. To counteract this overflow of used commercial vehicles, Truckstore was founded as an intermediary. 

Truckstore now also operates an online platform on which the used commercial vehicles are sold throughout Europe. The platform rates each vehicle in a three-level categorization, with gold being the youngest and best commercial vehicles and bronze being the oldest. 

Whoever wants to successfully buy used commercial vehicles should be precisely aware of their own requirements for a commercial vehicle and make a purchase decision based on this. We at CarOnSale are happy to help you find your way around our auction platform. As a platform for digital trading of used cars and commercial vehicles, we offer a simple solution for buying and selling commercial vehicles. Users who want to buy commercial vehicles for the first time are supported with us with transparent advertisements in the purchase decision.

Christoph Adunka
We give our all for our customers and have fun doing it.
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Car exchanges for dealers
In the digital age, car exchanges have emerged as pivotal hubs for vehicle trading. The immediate question arises: What exactly is meant by car exchanges? They are specialized online platforms where private sellers and commercial providers can offer their used cars to a broad audience. While private car exchanges often feature a wide range of vehicles from individuals, dealer car exchanges focus on professional sellers who offer additional services and expertise in the vehicle trade. Both models have the potential to significantly increase efficiency and reach in the vehicle market. Understanding the characteristics of each type of exchange is essential for making the right choice and setting the course for a future shaped by continuous technological developments and changing customer needs.