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Portal for car dealers

Alle Fakten für Autohändler

Buying cars, whether used or new, on the Internet is becoming more and more standard in the auto trade. Both dealers and private buyers are looking...

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Buying cars, whether used or new, on the Internet is becoming more and more standard in the car trade. Both dealers and private buyers regularly seek out digital car exchanges. The upswing of online portals for car dealers has several reasons and is based on the great accessibility of vehicles, as not only from all over Germany, but from all over Europe online car auctions are offered. 

Due to the large offer in online car trading, the lower prices are a great advantage. In addition, portals for car dealers increasingly act in an auction principle, which increases the chance of a bargain. We at CarOnSale offer such a digital portal for car dealers for B2B used car trading. Selling through CarOnSale has several advantages for car dealers, besides a larger group of buyers, sellers can rely on our unique remarketing technology. Due to the transparency and the constantly growing offer, you can conveniently sell used cars online with us.

Christoph Adunka
We give our all for our customers and have fun doing it.
What awaits you on CarOnSale?
Those are only a few advantages:
Vehicle exposé
Innovative bidding
Low fees
Fast transport
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